Why did no one warn me?
Why did no one tell me that once you start looking at other blogs that it can become an addictive and time consuming past-time?
Since I began blogging, I have discovered a regular Blog-o-Sphere out there.
It all began innocently enough. All I did was click on that "Next Blog" button at the top of the page and I was instantly transported into someone else's world.
Then I discovered some blogs listed other blogs they found interesting. So of course I *had* to go exploring, that's what dogs do.
It takes some digging, and occasionally uncovering something stinky, but most of the Blog-o-Sphere is full of tasty morsels that may tickle the funny bone, provoke introspective thought, entertain, inspire, or provide a recipe for tonight's dinner.
Visit The Barber Bunch to get a taste for yourself but I am warning you, this can be an addictive activity and you may look up and it will be way past your bedtime. Don't say I didn't warn you!