Then may I suggest you hie yourself to the nearest library and sign up for the summer reading program.
For one thing it is cool. I mean they probably have air conditioning and there is nothing like sucking up someone else's cool air in summer.
For another thing it is cool. I mean there is nothing cooler in attitude than getting educated. Don't you like being smarter? There is no place like the library to get smarter in the summer.
And another thing is that it is cool. I mean the library has all kinds of cool things to do; computers, movies, books on tape, and books, loads and loads of all kinds of cool books. There is no place to do cool things in the summer like the library. PLUS during the summer reading program there are usually some pretty cool prizes. How cool is that?!
So, tell me, what is your favorite book? I have several favorites but one I really, really love is titled "My Life in Dog Years", by Gary Paulsen. You just gotta get it and spend some quality time reading. You will laugh, you will cry, you will want to run out and get a dog just like me.
Here are some URL's for several area libraries where you can get information on their summer reading programs. Now you have no excuse.
Stay Cool!