Sunday, May 20, 2012

Its a Nguyen Win Situation!

Before I start I am just gonna say this.... I know it's May, and I know May is the end of the school year or at least getting close to the end of the school year, but can it really be May and the end of the school year already?! 

Okay, now that is out of my system....

Eight girls who are not related but have the same last name all happened to attend the same high school. 

As schools usually do, the student's pictures in the yearbook are presented in alphabetical order putting these eight girls together in some fashion as they had probably been thrown together in numerous lines and times throughout their high school years. 

So these intelligent young ladies got together one last time and laid out a masterful plan to prank the yearbook.

When each girl had their yearbook photo taken, they wore the same off the shoulder style black dress and their hair fixed in similar fashions.

That all by itself would have been striking but their real sense of humor begins to shine as you read the phrase each girl had printed under their names.  The word(s) with the individual picture doesn't make much sense, but if you read all eight together those words become a sentence:

"We know      what      you're      thinking      and      no      we're      not related."

Priceless! (thank you Yahoo)


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