I bark.
I do, it is a form of communication just like wagging a tail or sniffing a butt. If someone comes to my door I bark to let them know that I am inside and am summoning the humans. If we are walking and we happen across a human roaming free, I will bark to let them know that I expect them to stop and pet me. It is the courteous thing to do.
If you are in an eating store and your pups are misbehaving, take them home. The waiter won't mind, and I am fairly certain the other patrons won't mind. In fact they will probably applaud you on your way out.
However, I dislike dogs that stand there and bark and bark and bark. They dominate the conversation and don't let others get a growl in edgewise. It is so impolite.
Likewise, I dislike human puppies that can't behave themselves in public especially at an eating store. Oh I know that they have to be let out so they can *learn*, but part of that learning is proper training.