Saturday, August 25, 2012

Redheads Rule!

True Story:
Once upon a time Ronnie was traveling with her family.  As they sat in their motel breakfast bar enjoying their Continental Breakfast of juice and waffles, a woman carrying a baby walked in followed by three girls.

The woman sat the girls at a table and still holding the baby began filling glasses of juice and placing them on the table.  Moments later two more older girls came ambling in and it was obvious they belonged to the group because every last one of them had red hair ranging from the mother"s deep auburn to the baby's strawberry blonde.  They made a stunning group, especially when the father joined them.  He was bald - obviously a side effect from living with so many redheaded women.  Ruadh gu brath!!

I love redheads.

I don't think they are evil.

I do think they are special.

Some redheads are famous.

Not every redhead is born that way.

"Gentlemen may prefer blondes, but it takes a real man to handle a redhead."

"A trucker will slow down for a blonde, stop for a brunette, but he'll back up 500 yards for a redhead!" 

Some of my hairs are red.


Vita cum rubeo nunquam est odiosis

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